This is the first collaboration with footwear maker - they make shoes for the largest shoes brand in Japan called . You may have heard of Diana if you watched the Makoto Shinkai animation "."
I met the boss of Takashin - Mr Takahashi-san late 2017. As a business owner we both have a lot in common. While many shoe makers in Japan give me the deer-in-headlights look when I ask if they would be interested in making shoes for dolls, Takahashi-san had an open mind and agreed to work with us.
Takahashi-san has been making our shoes for a while now in his studio located in Minami Senju Tokyo but this girls boot is our first collaboration design.
The boot is made from leather where the surface has been treated to give it a worn used look with a few scratches here and there. Goes well with long jeans but especially well with our collection of short jeans.|の靴の量産を手がけるとコラボしてデザインした本革ブーツ。縫製はマレーシア。吊り込みは高進さんの南千住に位置する工房で行われています。ジーンズと似合いますが、ショートジーンズとさらによく似合います。